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Addiction And Holistic Recovery
Addiction And Holistic Recovery
People face many health problems nowadays. Those
individuals suffering from any kind of addiction often
engage in uncontrollable behaviors so they can avoid
anxiety, depression, and distressing state of moods.
Holistic recovery approach can offer these individuals
with opportunities to experience the painful emotions
safely and at the same time learn helpful ways to be
able to manage negative behaviors and thoughts.
Addiction and recovery are very important matters that
require careful thought.
Most of today’s treatment programs for addiction
mainly focus on destructive behavior and distorted
thinking. Less attention is given to the true causes
of anxiety and depression which drives the individual
to have negative behaviors and thoughts.
The treatments can only best offer addicts with
lectures and group activities wherein they can share
their feelings. However, the treatments seldom offer
addicts adequate opportunities to safely and directly
experience their feelings and how to manage it
The holistic approach to addiction recovery will do
what the treatments are offering and more. The
approach is a combination of western and eastern
healing. The supporters of this approach will teach
addicts to use their own senses in order to assess
emotions and at the same time, they will know how to
manage associated distress effectively.
The seven senses include taste, touch, hearing, smell,
internal sensations, balance, and sight. The 7 senses
pick up different kinds of information every day and
all the information are send to the brain. The body
consequently responds to the brain’s interpreted data.
The body responses will always involve feelings.
Addicts who have undergone holistic approach to
recovery are quite surprised to learn that humans
can’t feel thoughts. They are also able to learn that
anxiety and depression are simply physical sensations.
Thoughts can bring forth physical distress if the
brain construes the thought to be a threat.
For example, if you’re worried about something, a
thought is usually attached to it. The person can’t
feel the thought but what he or she is actually
feeling is the body’s response to the thought. Sounds
a bit confusing, right? But if you try to analyze it,
it makes perfect sense. If this is properly explained
and taught to addicts, they will surely understand it
and how it works.
The thought brought about by the worry is interpreted
by the brain as some sort of threat and so the body
prepares to protect itself by releasing cortisol,
adrenaline, and other chemicals. These chemicals can
make your body hide, freeze, flee, or fight. Every
human brain responds the same way to stress.
The sensations you feel will bring about tension,
pressure, tightness, heaviness, and other feelings.
The changes usually lead to anxiety and depression
which can further lead to heart attacks and other more
serious conditions. If this process is not slowed
down, recovery can’t be achieved.
The holistic approach to recovery will teach addicts
to consistently and effectively ease the physical
sensations. Patients are taught how to notice the
senses, identify specific thoughts occurring, and how
their body is actually feeling. The recovering addicts
will now have the power to handle anxiety and
depression that lead to addictive behavior.
It’s natural for humans to think, sense, feel, and do.
If you want to recover from addiction, you must want
it yourself and with the aid of the holistic approach
to recovery, addiction and recovery can be addressed

About Holistics Voice
We are a community of people committed to things like yoga and meditation, healthy diets, organic skin and hair care, maintaining wellness, herbal remedies, sexual wellness, life coaching, life time physical fitness, organic supplements, holistic health healing remedies, alternative medical practitioners and venues and organizations who support them.
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