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Your Questions About Yoga To The People
Nancy asks…
What is the best type of yoga to do at home?
I want to start doing yoga at home. Can anyone reconmend someone really good for relaxing and toning? Please tell me your experiance.
Holistics-Voice answers:
I like the “PraiseMoves” DVD. It’s great for relaxation because unlike most yoga, it doesn’t get you to empty your mind (which is boring and pointless) but to fill it with positive thinking!! I have also found that the postures are very similar to the exercises recommended by my fiance’s chiropracter for leg, back, neck, etc. Strengthening.
Jenny asks…
What are good yoga tips and postitions for beginers?
Hi everyone im 14 and i want to start yoga to help be more flexible. If you have anything you wanna share then go ahead!
Holistics-Voice answers:
We did beginner’s yoga in gym class and it wasn’t too hard; our routine was:
1 – Stand up, feet together, stretch up with your arms toward the ceiling, hold for 5-10 seconds.
2 – Now stretch over to one side, hold for 5-10 sec.
3 – Stretch over to the other side, hold 5-10s.
4 – Spread your feet apart and stretch downward and touch the ground between your feet if you can. Hold 5-10s.
5- Get into a plank position (hands and toes touching the ground, like you’re about to do a pushup) Hold for 5-10sec
6 – Slide into upward dog position and hold 5-10sec. I don’t know how to explain it so here’s a picture:
7 – Go back to the plank/pushup position for 5-10 seconds
8 – Downward dog position 5-10 sec – feet and hands flat on the floor, basically with your butt in the air.
9 – back to plank for 5-10 seconds
There’s more but i think this should be plenty for you? :) From downward dog you can also do runners pose and warrior pose.
Runners pose:
Warrior pose:
Richard asks…
What is the best way to learn yoga at home?
I’ve always been interested in yoga, but to I have to go to a yoga class or can I just teach myself by researching it and doing it at home?
Also are there any tips you can give me in yoga?
How much do yoga classes cost to join?
Holistics-Voice answers:
I definitely recommend taking some classes. After you are familiar with the postures, you can practice at home, too, but having a live teacher is best so they can make corrections.
Look for studios in your area online. A lot of studios have beginner packages so you can try out the different types of yoga they offer and different teachers. Often, these are punch cards – 5 classes for $30 or something, and you can go any time you want so you can find the classes you like.
You can also check out your local rec. Center. A lot of these also offer yoga classes, often drop-in, and also often cheaper than a yoga studio.
It’s hard to say how much it will cost. It varies pretty widely depending where you live, how many yoga studios there, and even the type of yoga. Even if it’s pricey for you, you may only need to pay for 10-20 classes before you have enough of an understanding to practice at home, at which point it will be free!
Tips for yoga – remember that every body is different, and not only are some ppl more flexible than others, but you’ll also find this within your own body. For example, your hips might be flexible, but not your shoulders. Be patient with yourself and be open to trying new things.
Ken asks…
How long does it take to master yoga?
I have been doing yoga for 2 months, using a dvd for beginners. I can’t afford classes right now, but I intend to do it, when I get all the positions perfectly. I really love it and can’t wait to learn more. I always had elasticity and could stretch easily, even without exercising. So, after 2 months, I feel the difference and can do all positions a lot easier. So, my question is, how long would it take me to master it? And how long after that to get a teaching certificate?
Holistics-Voice answers:
Mastering yoga is a life long journey, there are so many elements to yoga that one could learn new things indefinitely.
Day to day your goals for going through a routine could be different, one day its to get rid of stiffness, another its about clearing your mind, another its just because you feel good, what ever reasons you have, if you accomplish that then you could say you mastered your yoga practice just for that moment.
As to becoming a teacher you will want to take a look at the yoga alliance web site or do a search on yoga teacher training, chances are there is a yoga studio or teacher near you that offers teacher training certified by the yoga alliance. There are other organizations that have certification capacity but it seems that the yoga alliance is the largest and most accepted across the nations.
In order to do get your 1st level of Registered Yoga Teacher you will need to do at least a 200 hour training with a particular school or teacher. It can be fairly costly though, expect to pay at around and at least $2000 or more.
Its an awesome goal to work towards though.
I hope you are able to achieve what you set out to do.
Steven asks…
What benefits will I get from regularly attending yoga classes?
I just left my first yoga class and feel amazing – good mood, less tense – is that all possible from just one hour session or is it in my head? I can’t wait to go back, and am planning on going 3 times a week. What are some other benefits to this routine? Will I lose weight?
Holistics-Voice answers:
Yoga =stretching
all benefits of stretching can be found here
the key is to increase blood flow to the peripheries
check it out
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About Holistics Voice
We are a community of people committed to things like yoga and meditation, healthy diets, organic skin and hair care, maintaining wellness, herbal remedies, sexual wellness, life coaching, life time physical fitness, organic supplements, holistic health healing remedies, alternative medical practitioners and venues and organizations who support them.
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