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Diet Pills: Weight Loss or Cash Lost?

Diet Pills: Weight Loss or Cash Lost? Weight loss is a such a big issue among women all over the world today. Blame it on the close-to-skeletal look that models and celebrities parade on TV, magazines, the Internet, and in…

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Thoughts on the Internet’s Founding Myths

Thoughts on the Internet's Founding Myths Whenever I put forth on the Internet's numerous newsgroups, discussion fora and Websites a controversial view, an iconoclastic opinion, or a much-disputed thesis, the winning argument against my propositions starts with "everyone knows that…

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Saving Your Skin—With Green Tea

Saving Your Skin—With Green Tea Green tea has become the miracle drink of recent years. It is mentioned as a cure for everything from stomach trouble to fatigue, from rheumatoid arthritis to tooth decay. People in the Far East have…

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Easing Labor Pains and Childbirth

Easing Labor Pains and Childbirth The drama of childbirth has been immortalized in media through scenes full of mixed emotions where the mother experiences labor pains as each contraction brings the child closer and closer to a new world outside…

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