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Homeopathy :: Which Way Now?

Homeopathy :: Which Way Now? Homeopathy has had its fair share of critics over the past few years. an American illusionist, James Randi, offered money to anyone who could prove, under laboratory conditions, that homeopathic remedies cured ailments. No-one has…

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Natural Muscle Relaxants: An Overview

Natural Muscle Relaxants: An Overview Prior to the development of drug-based muscle relaxants, people have been using natural remedies to alleviate muscle spasms and soothe stiff joints. These natural muscle relaxants are often herbs and common plants that provide the…

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Sex—The Stress Buster

Sex—The Stress Buster Individual who want to have less stressful lives should include exercise, the eating of healthy food, taking vitamins, and having frequent sex as part of their lifestyle. Frequent sexual activity is now the subject of several health…

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Aromatherapy – Myth Or Reality

Aromatherapy – Myth Or Reality The origin of aroma therapy can be traced back to pre historic period, in the countries of ancient Egypt, Far East and China. The concept aims at the holistic treatment of the human body by…

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3 Simple Factors to Beating Cocaine Addiction

3 Simple Factors to Beating Cocaine Addiction 3 Simple Factors to Beating Cocaine Addiction Ok, someone you love and care about has a Cocaine Addiction Problem. Now what? At this point many thoughts will go through your mind. Most people…

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How You Can Fight Back Against Aging

How You Can Fight Back Against Aging Aging is a simple and natural fact of living. There are certainly ways to slow down the effects of aging, that can keep your face and body looking younger than they really are.…

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Want To Eat More Produce? Try Juicing (4)

Want To Eat More Produce? Try Juicing Fresh fruits and vegetables are the healthiest foods around, and one great way to unlock their nutritional bounty is through juicing. Converting vegetables and fruits into liquid form preserves all of their great…

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