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Detox Diet Ideas

Detox Diet Ideas There are several types of detox diets. There are those in which you can only eat fruits and vegetables, those in which you can only eat “clean” foods, those in which you can only drink fruit and…

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Grow Your Health With Herbs

Grow Your Health With Herbs Ask the average American to define herbs and he or she will tell you that herbs are green leaves that have some medicinal properties. Some may even add that herbs like Thyme and Sage are…

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Is Natural Therapy Right For You?

Is Natural Therapy Right For You? Natural therapy is an alternative medicine using a combination of alternative medicines. The most common ones used are diet modification, different foods, dietary supplements and exercise. All of these alternative medicines are used together…

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Western Diet? Detox Today!

Western Diet? Detox Today! Detoxing your diet can be simple, but you may need a few days to get into the groove. Start off by writing out a plan of what you're going to eat, go shopping beforehand, and cook…

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