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Herpes And The Lysine Lie

Herpes And The Lysine Lie The companies selling Lysine supplements have done a great job in getting people to buy a substance that has little value in managing a chronic herpes infection. Lysine has never been shown conclusively in clinical…

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Detox- Cleansing the Body Inside Out

Detox- Cleansing the Body Inside Out Detoxification has been a lengthy discussion ever since. Whether to detox or not, is up to you. Even though you are 'healthy' this does not mean that you don't need to detox. Sure our…

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Everything You Need To Know About Kinesiology

Everything You Need To Know About Kinesiology The word ‘Kinesis’ in Greek means movement and Kinesiology studies the relationship between the quality of muscular movement and overall health. Kinesiology deals with methods of maintaining good health through proper functioning and…

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Do Those Anti-Aging Creams Really Work?

Do Those Anti-Aging Creams Really Work? The best method of aging skin care is to start young. The effects of age on skin doesn’t happen overnight, and actually starts occurring right after you’re born. Actually, you could even argue that…

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The New Constant

The New Constant There used to be a famous saying about the only things constant in this world are death and taxes. Maybe, that idea became well-known during the time when work and academic demands were still relatively uncomplicated. At…

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Flash Mob America to Surprise Orlando

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 25, 2013 On Saturday, March 9th at 11:00am, the number one flash mob company in the world, Flash Mob America, will surprise a group of unsuspecting Floridians with a marriage proposal flash mob. A group…

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American Sports Nutrition

American Sports Nutrition The Americans usually dominate sporting events. They appear bigger, stronger and have longer resistance. They say that the secret is through their hard work and training. But their real secret is their diet that gives them that…

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