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The Green Food Supplement Alfalfa

The Green Food Supplement Alfalfa The health benefits of alfalfa are largely unsupported scientifically, although there is plenty of anecdotal enthusiasm for it. Alfalfa is highly nutritious, containing approximately 16% protein, and 8% of minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, and…

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Why Detox Is So Vital?

Why Detox Is So Vital? Put simply, an occasional detox works because it gives your body a break. By channelling the body's energies away from dealing with meals and snacks that are difficult to digest and metabolise, and which play…

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A Depressed Mind Equals A Depressed Head

A Depressed Mind Equals A Depressed Head The words “mind over matter” are more than just three words randomly strung together to make something that sounds somewhat sensible. “Mind over matter” is more than just a myth, because there are…

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Cure through Yoga

Cure through Yoga Yoga in a popular position Yoga, one of the world's oldest forms of exercise, is experiencing a rebirth in our stressful modern world. You wouldn't think that a 3000-year-old exercise could increase its popularity. But yoga is…

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About Foot Detoxification

About Foot Detoxification There are many types of detoxification for the body, and one popular way to detoxify your feet is through a total foot detoxification. Many advocates of the many detoxification systems and diets will also tell you that…

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What Are Detox Drinks?

What Are Detox Drinks? Certain antibiotics (like Amoxicillin) are claimed to cause a positive for heroin or cocaine. My expert source was unable to verify this, so I regret that there is some uncertainty here. Some legal products actually contain…

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