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Overcoming Touch Deprivation

Overcoming Touch Deprivation From the time you were a newborn how well you thrived depended in large part by how much you were lovingly touched. I was born two months premature in Trinidad in 1965. I was only 4 pounds…

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San Diego Massage Therapy

San Diego Massage Therapy The History of Massage Therapy When scheduling your next San Diego massage therapy treatment at Glow MD Skin Care, or if you’ve never had a San Diego massage therapy treatment before, you might be wondering about…

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A Guide on Sexual Health and Aging

A Guide on Sexual Health and Aging In most movies and television shows, scenes that are sexual in nature often show young and smooth-skinned people “getting it on.” But age is not a reason to let your sex life slide.…

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Understanding Sports Nutrition Supplements

Understanding Sports Nutrition Supplements The kind of sports nutrition supplements a certain athlete is supposed to take would depend strongly on what is appropriate for the athlete’s health status. However, some of these supplements are very hard to find or…

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10 Ways To Improve Your Health

10 Ways To Improve Your Health Choosing a healthy lifestyle can benefit you in several ways. It gives you a boost of energy and makes your body feel more in tune. It is important to identify ways you can improve…

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Tongkat Ali: The Asian Viagra

Tongkat Ali: The Asian Viagra Impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem among many men. It is an ailment that poses a threat to the self-esteem of men and their ability in terms of physical intimacy. Erectile dysfunction…

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