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Following the Steps for Spiritual Awakening
Following the Steps for Spiritual Awakening
People at times refer to it as a great realization. Sometimes it is known as a state of enlightenment. Whatever it might be called, the state of spiritual awakening is something that people realize. Some will offer guidelines and by following the steps for spiritual awakening will you only reach that state of enlightened spirit. And through these steps, people will soon realize or reach that level of awareness, enlightenment or spirituality. Some will argue, otherwise, saying that the awakening is a deep and often philosophical experience where man realizes his own true nature and finds ways how to maintain a balance life relative to his environment and thus only happens unplanned and often unexpectedly.
Depending on the line of thought, the approach, and the kind of book you’re reading or the teacher you’re following reaching spiritual awakening follows several rules or much more like guidelines. Some require complicated steps while others just require several kinds of meditations and the awakening you’re seeking will come eventually. Nonetheless, there are times where people need some guidance for attaining an awakened spirit. May it be specific steps or generic principles, people find it easier to reach a state of enlightenment.
Preparing yourself is a very good way to begin. Whether you believe in a step by step process or you only accept the fact the spiritual awakening happens only in a natural and more spontaneous way, preparing your self brings you closer to that goal. How? Believing truthfully that a certain level of awakening is possible is surely something that you should accept first. One should look deep down into oneself and recognizing your shortcomings and problems and identifying how they can relate to you and your environment.
As you discover more of yourself, take the opportunity to understand reality as well. Place yourself in the world you live in and see how you relate to it given all the things that you learned about yourself so far. Attaining an awakened or enlightened spirit comes from understanding the nature of the world and how you react to it and how you can impact it.
Learn the process of healing. Once issues and problems have been clearly identified, take the path of healing not only focusing on healing oneself but also promoting healing to others as well. This is an important aspect of reaching an awakened or enlightened state. Achieving balance is another. Balance with both the physical body and the spirit is the ideal state that we should aim for.
These are merely musings of what and how I think we prepare ourselves for that awakening of spirit. Like what I mentioned earlier, how your reach that state is relative. We can go on arguing for a whole day on the various steps or approaches on how enlightenment can be achieved and we forget that the whole point is having reached that level of consciousness. For me following steps for spiritual awakening is okay as long as you reached that state. Having received a sudden gush of spiritual enlightenment is also fine with me. The important thing is reaching that level. It doesn’t really matter anymore how you managed to do it, but rather what you can do now that you have reached that level. That I think is the more important issue that we need to address.

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