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Water for Weight Loss

Water for Weight Loss

So, does water help shrink your waistline?

It never fails to show up in almost all weight loss articles the tip to drink plenty of water, to always keep yourself hydrated. Almost like a broken record, this weight loss rule pops up incessantly, so there must be some shed of truth to it.

As a matter of fact, a number of studies have shown that drinking water can indeed help shrink your waistline – but only of course when coupled with a reduced intake of calories and a regular dose of exercise. This is because water helps curb your appetite, as well as increases your metabolic rate thus burning calories fast. Water also flushes away toxins and waste products from your body as you’re losing weight. But still, exercise remains the most effective method to get rid of abdominal fat cells thereby reducing your waistline.

Water may not be the most effective single element in slimming down, but it does make a noticeable dent in your weight loss track. Not so much, but enough to actually conclude that water is vital in losing weight fast.


When trying to lose weight, keep yourself hydrated. Your metabolism slows down when your body’s suffering from even a minor case of dehydration. Metabolism, by the way, is the rate your body’s burning fats. In order to boost your metabolic rate, drink plenty of water.

According to the American Council on Exercise, it is advisable to drink 17 to 20 oz. of water two hours before exercising, 7 to 10 oz. every 10 to 20 minutes as you exercise, and 16 to 24 oz. of fluids must be consumed to replenish the body after exercising.

Just because you don’t feel thirsty doesn’t mean you’re not dehydrated. Thirst, my dear, is not an accurate indicator of dehydration. A sign of a well hydrated body is indicated by having clear or pale yellow-colored urine.


Researches either validate or disprove claims. In this case, results of a preliminary research published in the 2010 issue of “Obesity” showed that taking in water before each meal promotes weight loss. The study was conducted by Virginia Tech with middle-aged and older participants drinking 500 ml of water before meals. After 12 weeks, the participants lost 44 percent more weight than the control group a.k.a. the research group themselves. The participants were asked to drink 500 ml water which amounts to about 17 oz. before dinner. By doing this, the subjects were found to consume a lesser amount of calories.

Thus, as an aid to weight loss, make it a habit to drink two glasses of water before each meal.


Although proponents claim the effectiveness of water fasts, cleanses and fad diets in losing weight, there’s no evidence to prove that these methods result in a lasting weight loss. True there is an actual loss of water weight when you undergo drastic calorie cutting, but according to Harvard Medical School, these weight can easily be regained as soon as you start putting solid food in your mouth or even when you start taking in more fluids.

Not only do these methods cause health complications, but they affect your metabolism as well. When your body undergoes starvation mode, it burns lesser amount of calories, storing as much as it can, hence the tire around your stomach or that cellulite in your arms and thighs.

Best approach to a lasting weight loss is still through a balanced, moderately reduced calorie diet and increasing your water consumption.

Pointers and add-ons

Fad diet or even calorie counting is not the answer in getting a firmer waistline. Rather, it’s core training that gives you that, while strengthening your abdominal and back muscles, reducing the risk of injury as well as improves your posture.

Through core training, you’ll look slimmer while losing weight. Sample core exercises include crunches, side plank, back extensions and bicycle exercise.

Through any weight loss program you’re on, always carry a refillable water bottle with you so as to make drinking water a habit. Forget the iPod, the towels, forget the boyfriend even, just don’t forget the water.

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